World Read Aloud Day
Dear PS229 Families,
We're thrilled to announce that PS229 will be hosting a Read-a-thon this year! Read-a-thons are fantastic opportunities to ignite your child's enthusiasm for reading, while also providing friends and family with the chance to support and encourage their reading journey.
Our Read-a-thon kicks off on Monday, January 29, 2024.
Approximately one week before the event starts, you will receive instructions on how to activate your reader's personal page. This personalized space allows you to track and record your child's progress throughout the Read-a-thon.
To ensure a smooth start, we encourage you to activate your reader's account today. Simply click on and follow the straightforward instructions provided.
We've chosen the Read-a-thon because it's a minimal time commitment, provides a motivating reason for your child to read, and contributes to the development of stronger reading skills.
Your participation is key, and we hope EVERYONE joins in on the fun!
Thank you for your support!